List of tables

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T78: Magnetic moment ratios (35 real numbers)
T76: Mass ratios (38 real numbers)
T43: Meissel-Mertens constant $M$ (1 real number)
T96: Modular polynomials for the $j$-invariant (12 integral polynomials)
T97: Modular polynomials for Weber's $f$-function (23 integral polynomials)
T53: Multiple zeta values of length 2 (990 real numbers)
T54: Multiple zeta values of length 3 (900 real numbers)
T89: Number of $p$-smooth $abc$-triples (16 real numbers)
T88: Number of elliptic curves over $\mathbb{Q}$ with good redution outside $S$ (512 real numbers)
T1: One (1 integer)
T77: Orders of sporadic finite simple groups (26 integers)
T7: Pi (1 real number)
T19: Pólya's random walk constants (8 real numbers)
T12: Proton-to-electron mass ratio (2 real numbers)
T37: Ramanujan's constant $R = e^{\pi \sqrt{163}}$ (1 real number)
T29: Rational multiples of pi (318 real numbers)
T30: Rational numbers (37 rational numbers)
T83: Rational singular moduli (13 integers)
T72: Real periods of elliptic curves over $\mathbb{Q}$ of rank $1$ (1007 real numbers)
T73: Real periods of elliptic curves over $\mathbb{Q}$ of rank $2$ (955 real numbers)
T74: Real periods of elliptic curves over $\mathbb{Q}$ of rank $3$ (1061 real numbers)
T64: Regulators of elliptic curves over $\mathbb{Q}$ of rank $1$ (1007 real numbers)
T65: Regulators of elliptic curves over $\mathbb{Q}$ of rank $2$ (955 real numbers)
T66: Regulators of elliptic curves over $\mathbb{Q}$ of rank $3$ (1061 real numbers)
T60: Roots of unity (772 complex numbers)
T69: Special $L$-value of elliptic curves over $\mathbb{Q}$ of rank $1$ (1124 real numbers)
T70: Special $L$-value of elliptic curves over $\mathbb{Q}$ of rank $2$ (1091 real numbers)
T71: Special $L$-value of elliptic curves over $\mathbb{Q}$ of rank $3$ (1026 real numbers)
T84: Spectral parameter of Maass forms of level 1 (69 real numbers)
T16: Stieltjes constants (1001 real numbers)
T86: Surface area of the Platonic solids (25 real numbers)
T15: Taylor coefficients of the completed Riemann zeta function at 1/2 (501 real numbers)
T33: Taylor coefficients of the completed Riemann zeta function at 2 (501 real numbers)
T44: Teichmüller representatives in $\mathbb{Z}_p$ (1036 p-adic numbers)
T39: Twin prime constant $C_2$ (1 real number)
T52: Values of the $p$-adic arithmetic-geometric mean (990 real numbers)
T46: Values of the $p$-adic exponential function at integers (1010 p-adic numbers)
T47: Values of the $p$-adic Gamma function at integers (810 p-adic numbers)
T51: Values of the arithmetic-geometric mean (990 real numbers)
T48: Values of the Artin-Hasse exponential function at integers (1010 p-adic numbers)
T93: Values of the Barnes $G$-function at rational numbers (1080 real numbers)
T9: Values of the Gamma function at rational numbers (1050 real numbers)
T94: Values of the Hurwitz zeta function at pairs of rational numbers (1134 real numbers)
T50: Values of the Kubota-Leopoldt zeta function at integers (1000 p-adic numbers)
T24: Values of the prime zeta function at rational numbers (908 real numbers)
T14: Values of the Riemann zeta function at rational numbers (1000 real numbers)
T27: Volume of the $d$-dimensional unit ball (500 real numbers)
T28: Volume of the $d$-dimensional unit sphere (501 real numbers)
T85: Volume of the Platonic solids (25 real numbers)
T40: Wilbraham-Gibbs constant (4 real numbers)