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Values of the prime zeta function at rational numbers
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INPUT{numbers.yaml} (not shown in preview)
For $\Re(s)>1$, one defines $P(s) = \sum_{p\in \text{primes}} p^{-s}$, which can be analytically continued to $\Re(s)>0$. This list contains values $P(s)$ for certain rational numbers $s$.
—   complex number ($\Re(s) > 0$, $s$ not the inverse of a squarefree integer)
$P(s)$ has its poles at $1/n$, where $n$ runs over all squarefree positive integers.
from mpmath import mp
numbers = {a/b: mp.primezeta(a/b)
                for b,a in cartesian_product(([1..20],[1..20])) 
                if gcd(a,b) == 1 and a/b != 1 and
                (a != 1 or not b.is_squarefree())}
mpmath (Python library)
Data properties
Entries are of type: real number
Table is complete: no
Reliability: computed with mpmath [1]