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Zeros of Dirichlet L-series
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$q$, $n$
$k$th zero of $L(\chi_q(n,\cdot),s)$
1, 1:
equals: Zeros_of_the_Riemann_zeta_function
comment: $\chi = 1$
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The list contains the first few imaginary parts of zeros of the first few Dirichlet L-functions $L(\chi,s)$ on the critical line.
—   conductor of $\chi$ ($q \geq 1$)
—   Conrey index of $\chi$ ($1 \leq n \leq \max(q-1,1)$)
—   Index of the zero ($k \neq 0$)
Let $\chi$ be a Dirichlet character. The associated L-function $\zeta(\chi,s)$ is the meromorphic continuation of the Dirichlet series $\sum_{n=0}^\infty \chi(n) n^{-s}, \Re(s) > 0$.
Its so-called trivial zeros lie on the negative $x$-axis, which are therefore not listed.
All known non-trivial zeros lie on the line $\Re(s) = 1/2$. If $\chi$ is real, their imaginary parts are symmetric about 0, in which case we only list the positive ones.
David J. Platt, "Computing degree 1 L-functions rigorously", PhD thesis, University of Bristol, 2011.
Data properties
Entries are of type: real number
Table is complete: no
Sources of data: [1], [3]