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$abc$-triples of high merit
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The list contains all known $abc$-triples merit at least $24$, as givin in [2]. An $abc$-triple is a solution of the equation $a+b=c$ with coprime integers $0 < a \leq b < c$. The quality of an $abc$-triple is defined as $q = \log(c)/\log(r)$, where $r = \text{rad}(abc)$ is the radical of $abc$, that is, the product over all prime divisors of $abc$. The merit of an $abc$ triple is defined as $m = (q-1)^2 \log(r) \log\log(r)$.
—   real number ($m > 24$)
The abc-conjecture [4] states that $\limsup q = 1$, that is, for every $\varepsilon > 0$ there are only finitely many $abc$-triples of quality $q > 1+\varepsilon$.
The refined $abc$-conjecture of Robert, Stewart and Tenenbaum [1] implies that $\limsup m = 48$.
O. Robert, C. Stewart, G. Tenenbaum, A refinement of the abc conjecture, Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 46:6 (2014), 1156-1166.
Data properties
Entries are of type: integer
Table is complete: unknown
Sources of data: [3] and the references therein
Reliability: The given merit $m$ might not be reliable, in which case it is signified with an asterisk '*': By definition, $m$ depends on the prime factorization of $abc$, which might be out of reach. If this is the case, the large remaining factor of $abc$ is heuristically assumed to be square-free, such that a heuristic value for $r$ (and thus for $q$ and $m$) can be deduced.